Food and Beaches

The weekend was spent eating amazing food and enjoying incredible beaches. Saturday night we enjoyed a beautiful group dinner at a rooftop restaurant. The picturesque view made me feel like I was in a postcard. The coolest part was when a lightening storm rolled through the other side of town and we could all safely enjoy watching while eating yet again another delicious meal. After dinner we headed to an outdoor movie that was being shown at Greece’s National Garden (google it, breathtaking).

On sunday we took a high-speed ferry (the green thing) to an island called Aegina (ah-gee-nuh), a smaller more authentic destination for locals and celebrities alike. The downtown area was along the marina which was filled with boats, both big and small. We took a short bus to the main beach area and laid out while sipping on cocktails all day. Very surreal. Afterwards we had a group meal at a seafood place which again had unbelievably fresh food. I’m starting to imagine going back to eating processed foods in america might be difficult.

Today was our first day of class and we spent 4 hours learning the modern greek language. I was a bit worried about this class since I have really struggled  while trying to learn languages in the past but I surprisingly had SO much fun. Our instructor (who is a professor at the school and native greek) has a linguistic background. Having just taken linguistics this past year I had a fairly easy time understanding the way he explained the general rules of greek grammar and such. We spent a lot of the class learning the alphabet and translating all of our names. Rachel translates to “Pεητσελ”! Tonight we’ll be heading downtown to start our research and interviews. Enjoy the pictures! 


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